![]() ----at the still point, there the dance is, – T.S. Eliot Now that we know what the term Space Junk usually refers to these days, we can delve more into the space of the mind’s imagination & the practice of meditating in that area. A decade ago, 2012 to 2013, the environmental children’s story entitled, Space Junk, was published. It is the first children’s story about the topic of Space Junk pollution. Created in a spontaneous stream of consciousness writing style, these hand written (old fashioned style with ink and brush) stories were not formally edited & feature unique works of art. In the Space Junk stories are several main characters ( Yama, Ali & a nameless black dog) along with other introductory peripheral ones. Here is a brief analysis and understanding of the snake character named Ali and brief research into the possible meanings to decipher and understand more about this Space Junk story. The plot is really about nothing and is almost an inconsequential aspect of the whole concept. The plot merely offers a simplistic narrative about the trashing of the environment of space by humans. The subject matter acts as a bridge to the artworks which operate as a cultural salve to benefit humanity with art. The space of our minds is oftentimes filled with a clutter of ideas, emotions, mental formations, memories and thoughts about random things. Mental clutter refers to times when our mind has too many thoughts which makes it difficult to process and focus. A cluttered mind is disrupting and it hinders our productivity, balance and even our mental health. This relates to the sub conscious as well. A daily practice of Meditation is a useful tool to unclutter the mind, get into the present moment and offers great health benefits for people of all ages. People practice meditation for many reasons but the main goal is to quiet the mind & focus on the NOW, the present moment and sub conscious. When our thoughts slow down and we focus on nothing & attempt to clear our minds, there is a space for cosmic energy to manifest. This space is where things like personal healing, ideas, helpful insights & creative inspiration comes from. The present moment, the eternal now where God energy resides. Some people focus on their breathing to enter this nothing state of the sub conscious, while others silently (or sometimes loudly) recite a MANTRA. As we related before, space also means emptiness and nothing. Yet form and emptiness are inseparable and they cannot be understood in isolation from each other. Emptying the mind is a useful tool to learn as it helps you give your brain a break. According to the dictionary, to EMPTY YOUR MIND means to try your best to think about NOTHING. It means to purposely put a stop to the constant stream of thoughts that are with us every day. This also acts as a form of brain detoxification as well. The practice of daily meditation is also a way of healing traumatic stress and raising performance. In his book, Catching the Big Fish: Mediation, Consciousness, and Creativity, Director and Artist David Lynch intones that "ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you've got to go deeper. " Another big proponent of the powerful practice of meditation is Dr. Joe Dispenza, a researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics and neuroscience. Dr. Joe has done extensive research on the effects of meditation and creating a new reality for your life. Speaking of space & emptiness, a snake is one of the Space Junk characters. Here is a brief overview. Name: Ali -- The unisex name Ali was chosen by the artist simply because it rhymes with the word tree. No other reason given yet in retrospect has importance. Ali is a gender-neutral name of Swahili origin ( from Eastern Africa) which literally means “supreme” or “exalted”. Today it is used as a name all over the world and in many different cultures other than African. Description & Meaning: Ali is a greenish snake with arms, wears a straw cowboy hat. and we all know that snakes don’t have arms, at least not on today’s version. The ancestors of today's slithery snakes once sported full-fledged arms and legs, but genetic mutations caused the reptiles to lose all four of their limbs about 150 million years ago, according to two new studies. Ali is a snake in the process of mutating backwards for the benefit of his emotional & physical survival, hence the arms. He is de-evolving instead of evolving. As these arms are rubber hose/noodle style appendages, this signifies the animated fun aspect of the character. These rubber hose/spaghetti style arms are a reference to an early animation style used over 100 years ago. Rubber hose animation refers to the bouncy, rubbery way that characters were animated primarily in American cartoons during the 1920s to approximately the mid-1930s. It is the first standardized animation style to be adopted by Hollywood studios. It was not only adopted for its efficiency, but also to avoid the issue of stiffness. Color Psychology: In color theory, Green is highly connected to nature and represents new beginnings, renewal and abundance. Growth, fertility, health and generosity are some of the positive color meanings for Green. Green is also the color of money in U.S. dollars. Green (Secondary Color) is a color derived from mixing Blue and Yellow. Alternatively, green can also carry negative associations such as envy, jealousy and a lack of experience. Green has many of the same calming attributes that Blue has, but it also incorporates some of the energy of Yellow. Personality: Ali sings & dances because he craves attention and just wants to be loved. Most people don’t like snakes because they are cold blooded reptiles and scary. Snakes are not perceived as warm and cuddly. So as an evolutionary feat Ali is de-evolving backwards with arms to hug others and be loved. He just wants to be hugged and not be a scary snake that everyone fears. |
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